September 7, 2024

August 11th, 2020: Sucker Punch

Music Mondays got taken over by a Birthday shout out! But today – just a little something to stick in your head. A true Trailer Music Video (TMV) wellllll done!

Sucker Punch “Trailer 2” from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

Sucker Punch! Great Music, Great Cutting from Jeff Lamont and David Yocum!

Sorry to get the song in your head … which leads me to, what ever did happen to the band Garbage? They had a ton of hits! This is a great song!

Well we can ponder on that ’til tomorrow! And the title graphic “Escape lies within” is super true in these days of the lockdowns and escape lies in streaming MOVIES!!!

Stream on! Love, M1 for Daily Trailer!

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Highlighting Great Trailers WorldWide

The Annual World Trailer Awards has rolled back into the Golden Trailer Awards. Enter all the international categories at: