Worthwhile Wednesdays: American Fiction 11/13/24
Worthwhile Wednesdays .. American Fiction American Fiction is a sharp, funny film about a Black author navigating the pressures of identity and the literary world. …
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Worthwhile Wednesdays: American Fiction 11/13/24
Worthwhile Wednesdays .. American Fiction American Fiction is a sharp, funny film about a Black author navigating the pressures of identity and the literary world.

The Death of Stalin – 11.12.24
Looking at The Death of Stalin: Dark Comedy at Its Finest On this day November 12th, in 1927 Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin became the ‘official’ ruler

Hacksaw Ridge – 11.11.24 Veteran’s Day
On this Veteran’s Day: “Hacksaw Ridge”: A Gripping Story of Heroism Hacksaw Ridge is an unforgettable war film that tells the true story of Desmond

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind – 11.10.24
Review of “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind”: A Story of Hope and Innovation As today is “World Science Day for Peace & Development” we

Bridge of Spies “Standing Man” – 11.09.24
Review of “Bridge of Spies”: A Quiet Hero Today is the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 … and we wanted to

Happy Birthday ~ HBO|MAX – 11.08.24
Happy 52nd Birthday, HBO! Can you believe it? For over five decades, they’ve been delivering the TV you can’t get enough of. From the classics

Worthwhile Wednesdays: A Gentleman in Moscow 8/14/24
Review of “A Gentleman in Moscow”: A Masterpiece of Intrigue and Elegance If you’re looking for a show that combines rich historical drama with a

Worthwhile Wednesdays: Queenpins 8/7/24
Queenpins: A Hidden Gem Rediscovered for Summer 2024 If you missed “Queenpins” when it was in theaters in 2021 (and with the lockdowns, who didn’t???),

Worthwhile Wednesdays: Fly Me to the Moon
Last night, I had the pleasure of watching a good movie at my local AMC, and I’m thrilled to share that the theater was packed!

March 5th, 2024: American Crime (2015)
I can not wait to watch this! “He’s my friend. I don’t turn my back on people.” Robert Kardashian The Kardashian Dad add to my

Feb. 5th, 2024: Captain America: The Winter Soldier
In 1944, the first Captain America movie was released, starring Dick Purcell as Captain America. It was the first time a Marvel comic had been

Feb. 4th, 2024: The Social Network
In 2010, a captivating trailer was released, giving viewers a tantalizing glimpse into the world of “The Social Network.” Directed by David Fincher and written

Feb. 3rd, 2024: Babe
Did you know that the first Saturday in every February is National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day? Well, today, we have a cinematic treat that’s

Feb. 2nd, 2024: Groundhog Day
An Iconic Classic: Groundhog Day Trailer Deserves Endless Replays! Ladies and gentlemen, it’s that time of year again in America – Groundhog Day! And just

Feb. 1st, 2024: The Lego Movie
A Blast from the Bricktastic Past: Celebrating National LEGO Day with a Look Back at the Classic LEGO Movie Trailer. Everything is AWESOME. Everything is

Jan. 31st, 2024: Memento
What?? Three trailers within this last week from Chris Nolan??? … well, it’s not every day that we get not one, not two, but three

Jan. 30th, 2024: Gahndi
Gandhi and his unforgettable pursuit of peace. In the annals of history, few figures stand as tall as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, a man whose message

Jan. 29th, 2024: Inception “Control”
Could we be so lucky to have back to back Chris Nolan films? Yes, today being national puzzle day, we thought to serve up a

Jan. 28th, 2024: Interstellar Teaser
I love this teaser so much! It makes me cry … so well done! I often play it but today I share it with you

Jan. 27th, 2024: Matilda
Well, sticking to my New Year’s Resolutions proves difficulty when they throw National Chocolate Cake day right at the end of the month. Who does

Jan. 26th, 2024: Mad Max Fury Road “Survive”
January 26th is National Australia day and there is no better cinematic representation of Australia then Mad Max: Fury Road. And this is an amazing

Jan. 25th, 2024: Cruella
On January 25, 1961, a beloved classic, “101 Dalmatians,” made its theatrical debut, capturing the hearts of audiences worldwide. Disney, known for its innovative storytelling,

Jan. 24th, 2024: The Greatest Beer Run Ever
Today, on January 24th, we celebrate National Beer Can Appreciation Day! If you’re wondering how to mark this occasion, it’s simple: crack open a cold

Jan. 23rd, 2024: Adaptation
Mixing Spike Jonze, Charlie Kaufman, and David Bowie together is a recipe for success. One word of caution about this trailer – the song will

Jan. 22nd, 2024: Jobs & Steve Jobs
On January 22nd, 1984, exactly 40 years ago today, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak unveiled the Macintosh computer to the world through an iconic Super

Jan. 21st, 2024: The Nut Job
Squirrel Phobia in the Big Apple: A Tale of Unusual Fears and Nutty Movies ~ Living in New York City is an adventure in itself,

Jan. 20th, 2024: We Are Your Friends
January 20th marks National DJ Day, a day dedicated to celebrating the talented individuals who bring the world of electronic music to life. Over the

Jan. 19th, 2024: King Corn
January 19th is National Popcorn day and it brought to mind this movie about corn from 2007 .. King Corn. King Corn is a documentary

Jan. 18th, 2024: Christopher Robin
January 18th marks a special occasion – National Winnie The Pooh Day. As a child, the enchanting stories created by A.A. Milne filled my heart

Jan. 17th, 2024: Ali
On January 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kentucky, the legendary figure who would later be known as Muhammad Ali was born. Ali’s journey in the world

Jan. 16th, 2024: Pump
Prohibition commenced in the United States on January 17, 1920, and endured for 13 years. As we approach the eve of Prohibition, a significant and

Jan. 15th, 2024 MLK Day: The “Selma” Trailer
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Dr. Martin Luther King Civil

The Campaign – Sept 5th, 2023
It is only September of 2023 and I am already sick of the politicians asking for donations … so it was refreshing to come across

Shrek 2 ~ R.I.P Steve Harwell ~ Sept 4th, 2023
It is sad when talent leaves this world too soon and the lead singer of Smash Mouth, Steve Harwell, passed away today at the age

Tonight You’re Mine ~ Sept. 3rd, 2023
I can’t tell if the folks trapped at Burning Man are having a bad time or a good time in the rain and mud? I

Haywire: Sept. 2, 2023
There is a benefit to going through archives of trailers during the WGA and SAG strikes … you find these gems of yesteryear … a

Demolition ~ Sept. 1, 2023
Heading into this Labor Day Weekend with a slight chill in the air here in New York. As I was going through some archival footage

Happy Valentine’s Day ~ Shotgun Wedding Feb 14, 2023
What better way to spend Valentine’s Day then with J Lo and a pint of Ben&Jerry’s ice cream? It used to be a Sandra Bullock

Palm Springs ~ Feb 9th, 2023
A week after Groundhog Day … staying in theme of living the same day over and over again with this trailer throwback Thursday with “Palm

Garden State ~ Trailer Tuesdays Feb 7th, 2023
Wow this trailer holds up from 2004! Garden State – watch the full trailer below. This trailer held the record for downloading the most songs

Groundhog Day ~ Feb 2, 2023
Could there be any other trailer entry on this day other than GROUNDHOG DAY? I should say not. And a classic trailer it is: https://vimeo.com/794693285

Incantation ~ Trailer Tuesdays Jan. 31, 2023
This little gem from Taiwan has been on my mind recently. I went to an ‘energy healing’ place over the weekend and was trying to

The Rover ~ Jan 26, 2023 National Australia Day
It is National Australia Day and instead of the usual fair, I remembered this trailer/teaser from back in the day: The Rover. A post apocalyptic

The Peanut Butter Falcon Trailer Jan 24, 2023 National Peanut Butter Day
This trailer is so sweet! Not the biggest Shia LaBeouf fan but he sure does turn up a lot in my favorite trailers. So on

“9 to 5” Trailer: Dolly Parton’s Birthday Jan. 19, 2023
Happy Birthday Dolly! You are a National Treasure and we thank you for all that you do! So in honor of your Birthday, we are

The Great Gatsby ~ National Bootlegger’s Day: Jan 17, 2023
There can be no other celebrated bootlegger on National Bootlegger’s Day than Jay Gatsby. The great man of mystery. Therefore, today’s amazing Daily Trailer is

The Pharmacist ~ National Pharmacist Day Jan 12th, 2023
This is an important docu-series from Netflix and what better day to feature the trailer than on National Pharmacist Day. Every family in the world

Little Joe ~ National House Plant Day ~ Jan 10, 2023
I really couldn’t tell you what National House Plant day is all about BUT it has allowed me to go back and find this gem

May 23, 2022: The Equalizer Movie
Driving along for a road trip weekend I realized my playlist consists almost exclusively of great songs that are in trailers .. hmm … not

Jan. 25th, 2022: National Irish Coffee Day
Leave it to the Irish to get “National Irish Coffee Day” put at the end of January – A historically ‘dry’ month for most people

Jan. 21st 2022: Good-bye Meat Loaf R.I.P. … Trailer du Jour is “Fight Club”
His name was not Robert Paulson but rather Michael Lee Aday but everyone knew him affectionately as Meat Loaf. Now Rocky Horror was way before

Jan. 20th 2022: National Winnie the Pooh day!
Oh boy did I love these stories by A.A. Milne. I still have my original hardback covers and I would pour over those drawings whenever

Jan. 19th, 2022: National Popcorn Day Waiting for The Batman
When did it all start? Popcorn and the movies? It isn’t necessarily a ‘quiet’ food like my beloved Junior Mints .. Whelp according to Jen

Jan. 18th, 2022: GTA21 Best Music Smor·gas·bord of Choices
I love these packets from the Golden Trailer Awards … they are the perfect Smorgasbord of choices and I know what I want to watch

Jan. 16, 2022: Equinox “Caller”
The opening of this trailer is off the hook fantastic. So suspenseful and draws the viewer in immediately! This woman is an incredible actor! Remember

Jan. 15, 2022: Unbroken
I went to a track meet today. I really think it is the only one I have attended in person in my life. I mean,

Jan 14, 2022: Cloud Atlas
I was thinking of this movie for several reasons today … just thinking of time and what a strange thing it is and how we

Dec. 25th, 2021: Christmas Day & Not a Trailer!
A repost from 2019 and 2020 – always worth a second, third, 4th watch … Happy Christmas! Enjoy time with your family this Holiday season!

Dec 22, 2021: Princess of the Row
Tis the season for giving back and as I went to look around for opportunities to volunteer this holiday season, I remembered this trailer “Princess

Nov 5th: V for Vendetta … remember remember the 5th of …
Um it’s the 5th of November, you know the drill! https://vimeo.com/445627750 Probably said it last year too – the Wachowski siblings always way ahead of

Nov 4th: National Candy Day in Entrepreneur Month
Ahhh November 4th … National Candy Day – you know before all these candy companies like M&M Mars, Hershey’s and Nestle became multi-conglomerates, they started

Nov. 3: National Sandwich Day … The Founder
As we continue with National Entrepreneur Month and today being National Sandwich Day … what better trailer for a daily trailer than “The Founder” from

Nov. 2nd: Coco – Day of the Dead Musical Dreamer
We are 2 for 2 on the difficult entrepreneurial life/course load with yesterday’s as ‘writer’ and today’s the musician’s path! and it is November 2nd,

Nov. 1st National Author Day – Can You Ever Forgive Me?
November is National Entrepreneur Month and yes, I will have to type ‘entrepreneur’ 30 times this month. But today, November 1st is National Author Day

Dark Season 3: Oct 19th, 2021 Day 19/30
Dark Season 3 – enough said. This tunnel or cave opening speaks for itself. On Netflix and in the tradition of that dark Danish tradition.

Dublin Murders: Oct 15, 2021 Day 15/30
So I am at my in-laws house and my brother in law was talking about this great book he read called “In the Woods” by

Des: Oct 14, 2021 Day 14/30
Is it just me or does David Tennet look exactly like Jarvis Crocker the lead singer of Pulp (some may consider the greatest British Pop

You Season 2: Tues Oct 12th, 2021 Day 12/30
You Season 2 … looks creepy and what a perfect song to use … A cover of ‘Creep’ by RadioHead. This is day 12 of

Home Sweet Home: Oct 9th, 2021 Day 9/30
Staying in tonight thought I might be able to concentrate on this. The trailer weaves a tale that you want to find out more about.Calculation

Red Dot: Oct 8th, 2021 Day 8/30
International Fridays or Foreign Film Fridays! Here is Red Dot in out day 8 of 30 for #Horror. It is funny is I am all

Sea Fever: Oct 7th, 2021 Day 7/30
Ummm this looks like another venture into Eco-Horror! I am loving our new sub-genre … well what do you expect. https://vimeo.com/625808946 Oh man this looks

In The Earth: Oct. 6, 2021 Day 6/30
In The Earth trailer is like this whole new genre of ‘eco-horror’ I am going to call it. Remember that M. Knight Shyamalan film where

Relic: Oct. 5th, 2021 Day 5/30
Having a loved one with dimentia is hard enough. The opening of this trailer is too painfully recognizable for too many families. As if caring

Candyman: Oct 4, 2021 Day 4/30
Oh I was just thinking about those silly dares we did at summer camp and sleepovers and at school. And then they take and make

Antlers: Sun. Oct 3rd, 2021 Day 3/30
Antlers, is just beautifully shot. This trailer is remarkable in its sinister factor and yet that innocent looking child that you just want to help.

Raised by Wolves: Sat. Oct. 2nd 2021 Day 2/30
“Raised by Wolves” from Ridley Scott is entry number 2 in our 30 days of new horror. Maybe it’s just me but recolonizing a new

No Man’s Land: Fri. Oct. 1st, 2021 Day 1
One of the great equalizers of humanity is film. Seeing films from other countries helps us to realize and relate that we are all the

Motherland: Thurs. Sept. 30th, 2021
Even on the 20th watching, this trailer will make you laugh .. even if you are a ‘Mum’ (Mom/Dad/Parent) or not. It is so darn

Baristas: Wed Sept 29th 2021
Today is national coffee day and what better trailer to post then Baristas! And it will only be appropriate to post it in the morning

Mare of Easttown: Tues. Sept 28th, 2021
Kate Winslet does a fabulous job as the protagonist of this limited series from HBO “Mare of East Town”. You will recognize the characters

The Midnight Sky: Sept. 27th, 2021
If you put a Radiohead song to any trailer, the re-watchable index goes up by a factor of 11. That is a true genuine stat!

The Way Back: Sun. Sept. 26th, 2021
Sunday nights are for a bit more of a somber tone as we get ready to start the work week all over agin. Here is

Dune: Sat. Sept. 25, 2021 #NYFF 59
The 59th Annual New York Film Festival opened last night here in Manhattan. It was great to see people out and about. Looks like Dune

Judas and The Black Messiah: Fri. Sept 24, 2021
This trailer is catchy from the very first note! After watching it, you will be saying “I am … a Revolutionary” with the best of

Sept. 23, 2021: Too Soon? Vivarium
I WANT TO WATCH THIS SO BADLY!!! and it keeps coming up in conversation … twice in the last week – I have said you

TENET: Friday, March 5th, 2021 in NYC!
Glorious! Glorious! Glorious Day! It happened! It finally happened – I got to see Tenet on the big screen – yes in 70MM print at

Mardi Gras: Girl’s Trip
Tues February 16th, 2021: This fun trailer (and movie) is centered around a Girls Weekend Trip to New Orleans. So it gets today’s coveted daily

Atonement, Plus Pride & Prejudice: A Knight for Kiera Knightly
Feb. 14th, 2021 St. Valentine’s Day: Today’s trailers feature Kiera Knightly – who has been in some great romance movies – in fact we can

Like Crazy & One Day
Valentine’s Eve Feb. 13th, 2021: To all the ones who got away on this Valentine’s Eve or for all the ones who weren’t meant to

You had me at Channing Tatum
Friday, Feb. 12th, 2021: You had me at Channing Tatum … but it’s not the movie you are thinking … first up, The Vow with

The Fountain. Epic Romance!
Feb. 11th, 2021: The Fountain. Epic romance for the long holiday weekend (it’s Presidents Day). Is it just me or could they re-release this teaser

Love in the Time of War
Feb. 10, 2021: Continuing on with the theme of love this week of Valentine’s day … Aww Cate Blanchett and Billy Crudup in Charlotte Gray.

Love and Basketball
February 9th, 2021: Keeping in the sports theme this week, we turn to a classic trailer: Love & Basketball. A fun little romantic film as

GOATs: Men Who Stare at Goats & Ted2 for the G.O.A.T.
Monday, February 8, 2021: Love him or hate him, Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback of all time! NO question about it, he may be

Jan 27, 2021: Life of the Party & The Boss
Melissa McCarthy double feature today … she is a great leading lady of comedy! The great thing about these movies is that they aren’t all

Dec. 25th, 2020: Christmas Day & Not a Trailer!
A repost from 2019 – always worth a second, third, 4th watch … Happy Christmas! Enjoy time with your family this Holiday season! This is

Sat. Dec.19.2020: Office Christmas Party & The Night Before
I have missed office life this year! And this time of year feels kind of empty without the traditional Office Christmas Party: Office Christmas Party

Fri. Dec.18.2020: FATMAN, Vice Principals & Justified
We told you … ’tis the season! My brother sent this little recco our way … Mel Gibson, Walton Goggins, and Marianne Jean-Baptiste in Fatman.

Thurs. Dec.17.2020: Daddy’s Home 2 & 1 also The Other Guys
Yup, tis the season! And a more modern Christmas Classic is Daddy’s Home 2 … it hits all the right notes for a funny holiday

Wed. Dec.16.2020: First Snow & Bad Santa
My brother’s birthday is today! And if I did a tribute to him we would definitely be watching war movie trailers! He is an aficionado

Tues. Dec.15.2020: Priscilla Queen of the Desert & The Dressmaker
There is plenty of time for holiday-themed films, we will get to them soon … Coming soon! And by the way, Wow, this doesn’t feel

Mon. Dec.14.2020: 21 Grams
We are prepping for a big snow storm here in New York City and although most all of 2020 has felt like one giant snow-day,

Thurs. Dec.10.2020: Another Round & Breaking Surface
Angelika Anywhere!?!?!? What? Wow. I worked my way through NYU film school at the Angelika Film Center Cafe (well, that and many more years of

Wed. Dec.9.2020: Downhill & HotDog (the Movie)
It snowed today in New York City! Perfectly in time for the Holidays but alas the city is really kind of low on Holiday Cheer

Tues. Dec.8.2020: La Via En Rose & Judy
La Via En Rose or as I like to call it, The life and times of Edith Pilaf. A perfect Indie Tuesday entry for Daily

Tues. Dec.1.2020: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
If you only have a 2 minute coffee break … snack on this … great cuts, great cinematography and great music! King Arthur: Legend of

Fri. Nov.20.2020: Lincoln “Gettysburg Address” Trailer
Four score and … well let’s see how long ago the Gettysburg address was said on Nov. 19th … wow – 157 years ago! On

Thurs.11.19.2020: Deepwater Horizon (Mark Wahlberg)
Today is international Men day or something like that – someone may be pulling my leg around here – but for our tribute on this

Wed.11.18.2020: Ford vs. Ferrari x 2 trailers
Trying to figure out the best way to write the date for this blog … hmm. Not really important but I want it to be

Tues.11.17.2020: True History of the Kelly Gang
This is an interesting one for Indie Tuesdays. Picture House’s True History of the Kelly Gang. True History of the Kelly Gang from Daily Trailer!

Mon. Nov.16.2020: 13 Hours
Probably a good time for a good rescue mission movie: 13Hours from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo. It is another case where you think you know

Sun.11.15.2020: Peter Rabbit 1 & 2
Something about these animated bunnies that makes me smile. Continuing our Sunday Night at the Movies with Peter Rabbit 2 … it doesn’t have to

Sat. Nov.14.2020: Bridget Jones’s Diary & Napoleon Dynamite
Could Napoleon Dynamite be Bridget Jones’s American Cousin? Highly possible. Tonight we just wanted to put up two comedies that take us back to simpler

Friday Nov.13.2020: Battle Los Angeles
The title says it all and no, it is not a headline from today. It’s Friday night and end of a long week, you don’t

Thurs. Nov.12.2020: Dallas Buyers Club
I enjoyed this movie so much when it came out. Oh big pharma and FDA what do you have in store for us next?!?! Dallas

Wed. Nov.11.2020: The Kid Stays in the Picture
This is one of those insider Hollywood documentaries that Hollywood loves to make and is VERY good at: The Kid Stays in the Picture from

Tues. Nov.10.2020: Last Days
One of the Kings of Indie Cinema: Gus Van Sant and his film Last Days! Well, it is the last days of many things, but

Mon. Nov.09.2020: Thank you for Smoking!
Thank you for smoking! based upon the book by Chris Buckley. It is a good movie to take a look at ourselves and laugh ..

Sun. Nov.8.2020: The Last Airbender
I enjoyed the cartoon when it was on television, not sure how the movie turned out. It is always funny how much kid’s movies focus

Sat. 11/7/2020: Night Watch, Day Watch a two-fer from Russia .. with Love
A Timur Bekmambetov double feature night? Well, where else are you going? Here is the 2004 Night Watch: Night Watch (2004) – Trailer from Daily

Fri. 11/6/2020: Sicario 1&2
Friday night is double feature night! and I love Benincio Del Toro for this week’s double feature! So up first 2 trailers of his: Sicario

Thurs. 11/5/2020: Wag the Dog
I think this is closer to the truth than I care to admit: Wag the Dog (1997) from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo. David Mamet written

Nov 4th, 2020: Low Winter Sun
This was a great short series from AMC. I was amazed at how they tie the protagonist and antagonist together in the first few minutes.

Nov. 3rd, 2020: Love in the Time of Cholera
Tired of all the election shenanigans? Someone could re-make this movie now as Love in the Time of Covid?!! Don’t mean to give Hollywood any

Mon. 11/2/2020: Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006)
So much tension in the world. So much stress. Need a comedy? Try this: Talladega Nights from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo. Wishing us a speedy

Sunday 11/1/2020: The House with a Clock in its Walls
Keeping in three themes: All Soul’s Day today and coming off a full moon All Hallow’s Eve, and Sunday Family night around the television, a

Sat. 10/31/2020: Welcome to the BlumHouse
Full moon on Halloween and everyone kinda stuck at home? Hmmm. Could go for the obvious … but went for a little variety pack from

Friday Oct. 30th, 2020: Knives Out
As we near Halloween and I guess tonight is historically “Devil’s Night” in the great Northern states … figured it was a good time to

Thurs. 10/29/2020: Rabbit Hole
Driving around the great North Woods today, the song in this trailer came on shuffle on my iPhone and I am taking it as a

Wed. 10/28/20: Best in Show
Needing a little comedy mid-week and everyone talking “Shitts Creek”, se we thought we would go back to their roots. Best in Show is one

Tues. 10/27/20: Safety Not Guaranteed & Room 104 S1&S2
Two for Tuesday from the Duplass Brothers. Well Safety Not Guaranteed is not a creation of theirs, just a featuring of Mark – with a

Mon. Oct. 26th, 2020: Take Shelter
Indie Mondays bring us to Take Shelter a 2011 Release from Sony Pictures Classics that features Michael Shannon prepping his family for a storm or

Sunday Oct. 25, 2020: Enchanted
Continuing with Disney’s Sunday Night at the Movies, Enchanted. Taking place in my hometown NYC: Enchanted Trailer from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo. This one looks

Sat. Oct. 24th, 2020: Ma & Suspiria
Saturday’s in October one week from Halloween?? Yup you got it another scary trailer (or two). First up from Universal, MA with Octavia Spencer: Ma

Fri. Oct. 23, 2020: Bad Boys For Life (2 & 3)
Over the Long Island Expressway (nicknamed the L.I.E.) for a reason we discussed earlier this week, well back in 2003, when Bad Boys 2 came

Throwback Thursday: Oct. 22, 2020: Midnight in Paris
Not too far back but far enough. Just wanted a feel good film about love and travel! The lockdowns have us down around here today

Wed. 10/21/2020: “21” & Bringing Down the House
In searching for a movie about math geniuses bringing down a casino, I THOUGHT I remembered the title as “Bringing Down the House” which is

Tuesday 10/20/2020: He Named Me Malala
Looking for some Tuesday night inspiration? Look no further than “He Named Me Malala” He Named Me Malala from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo. So impressed

Indie Monday: Oct. 19th 2020: L.I.E. and The Good Heart
L to the O G ?? Before he was Logan Roy in the hit HBO series Succession, actor Brian Cox has an amazing career in

Sunday Oct. 17th, 2020: Disney’s Beauty & The Beast
Maybe its the weather? or maybe it’s a nostalgia but we will continue the tradition of “Disney’s Sunday Night at the Movies’s trailers” with this,

Sat. Oct. 16th, 2020: It Follows
Spooky Saturdays continue in the month of October with this gem: It Follows! from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo. It Follows will stick with you for

Friday 10/16/2020: Bad Moms and The House
Long week. Very long week. And not an easy week either. I am in the mood for sitting back with a cold cider (it is

Oct. 15th, 2020: Tree of Life
In my apartment there is a wall of pictures and ephemera from all different parts of my life and from different people. I was staring

Oct. 14th, 2020: Bringing Out The Dead
I am going to revisit this film. In searching for a spooky trailer for this day in October, naturally this title caught my eye but

Oct. 13th, 2020: The Social Dilemma
Watch this now! Go to Netflix (resubscribe if you have to like my in-laws did) and watch it now. It will literally scare you. If

Oct. 12th, 2020: Daddy Day Care
Nowadays it is everybody’s day care – it literally is taking a village here in NYC. I always loved this trailer for the one little

Oct. 11th 2020: Sunday Night at the Movies
Back to Disney’s Sunday Night at the Movies theme. You know, my hat is off to a company that can create a full movie franchise

Oct. 10th, 2020: Something Spooky: “Don’t Breathe”
Whelp after doing 30 horror trailers (Sometimes 2 posts per day) last year, we got a little overwhelmed with the horror … BUUUUUTTTTT … that

Oct. 9th, 2020: In the beginning, there was Iron Man
I have been wanting to do this one for a long time and there is no better time than a Friday night in October 2020!!!

Oct. 8th, 2020: Indie Night at the Movies: The Amazing Kenneth Lonergan
Going through the trailer archives I got sidetracked by an odd title that I didn’t recall right off the top of my head You Can

Oct. 7th, 2020: The Bankers on Apple TV+
Kudos to anyone who bucks the system! I was sold on this concept from the trailer! Huzzah Huzzah Huzzah! This is for anyone who has

Oct. 6th, 2020 – White Noise & other phenomenons
The best best best haunted house I ever went to was the Merchant Museum here in New York. Some friends and I took the midnight

Oct. 5th, 2020: Have you seen the Ring? Ring Two
Such an excellent teaser. Can barely watch it, it is enough ‘scary’ in a short amount of time. Good for fright month. Probably not a

Oct. 4th, 2020: Shrek 1 & 2
Even though it is October, we realized last year you can overdose on Horror if you post a horror trailer a day for a month.

Oct. 3rd, 2020: Quiet Places (1 & 2)
‘Tis the season for horror! And if it wasn’t the year of the Covid, you could have made it a double feature tonight. But you

Oct. 2nd, 2020: Our Brand is Crisis
This was a solid film. It suffered, I think, from a confusing and difficult to remember title. It was a great cast. I think we

Oct. 1st, 2020: The Social Network & Twitter Trailer
Ten years ago today The Social Network film was released. One of the greatest trailers of all time .. cut by Mark Woollen & Associates

Sept. 30th, 2020: Fear City: NYC vs. The Mafia (Netflix)
Whenever I am away from my city: New York City, I miss it – everything about it! Even when it is going through these rough

Sept. 29th, 2020: The Tunnel
Full disclosure … they had me at the word “Tunnel”. I am from a third generation tunneling family! Someone just mentioned this in passing that

Sept. 28th, 2020: Baristas
I am not sure if like me your daily coffee ritual has taken on a huge significance during the lockdowns but it sure has to

Sept. 26, 2020: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Traveling out to Chicago yesterday through JFK, even in the middle of all this COVID-19, flights are still packed to …. you guessed it …

Sept. 25th, 2020: Everything is Illuminated
It’s Friday! and I love this trailer and the movies is so beautifully shot!! I can watch this trailer over and over and over again

Sept. 11, 2020: Remembering Today & Spider-Man Trailer
This is a tough day on us New Yorkers. Everyone remembers where they were 19 years ago today and one common thread is everyone remembers

Sept. 10th, 2020: Hildalgo
Looking to watch something with the family this weekend. This was a fun movie! What is so cute is that Vigo Mortensen adopted the horse

Sept. 7th, 2020: Stranger Than Fiction
Happy Labor Day! This is a fun movie! If you haven’t watched it, watch it. Harold is a hard working fellow and he deserves the

Sept. 6th, 2020: The September Issue
Sunday night is a perfect night for documentaries as we head back into the work week (but not this week). Though I hail from a

Sept. 5th, 2020: The A-team
This just makes me think of my brother. Seemed like a fun movie to post for a Saturday night on a holiday weekend. Not too

Sept. 4th, 2020: Across the Universe
Welcome to the long weekend! I hear Julie Taymor has a new movie coming out and I have always liked her style. Even if you

Sept. 3rd, 2020: About Schmidt
Jack Nicholson puts the labor in Labor Day weekend! As Summer 2020 winds down, I couldn’t help but feeling like Mr. Warren Schmidt watching the

Sept. 2nd, 2020: Election Year: Ides of March
Oh, beware the Ides of March, not just a Shakespearean expression. We seem to be living through a very tough tough meeting of the planets

R.I.P. Chadwick Boseman August 28, 2020
It was with a heavy heart that we heard the news of his passing. So young and so talented. We realized in the past year,

Friday Aug 28th, 2020: The Cooler
Maybe it’s because he and his family have been in the news so much lately or maybe it is this year, 2020, as it feels

Wed. Aug. 26th, 2020: Black Panther
I can not wait to get back to the theater!!! Thank you #AMC for re-running Black Panther as a special treat to those of us

Tue. Aug. 24, 2020: Cemetery Junction
I have not seen this movie but the trailer makes me laugh! So enjoy! Cemetary Junction from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo. … with chuckles here

Mon. Aug. 23, 2020: Hustle & Flow in the time of COVID
Entreprenerd Mondays may become a new thing. Today’s trailer feature is Hustle & Flow. This movie was the whole package. Great story, great music, love,

Sun. Aug. 22, 2020: Sunday Night at the Movies: Disney’s Thor: Ragnarok
One of the greatest rewards in this life is having nieces and nephews and being able to take them to the movies! I am so

Thurs. Aug 20, 2020: Free Solo from Nat Geo
This goes in the category of no way not now not ever! But it is an amazing movie to watch! But don’t watch it on

Wed. Aug. 19, 2020: The Town & Argo
Is it just me or do you also like it better when Ben Affleck is behind the camera? Here are two great examples with him

Tues. Aug. 18th, 2020: The Square & Velvet Buzzsaw
From Magnolia pictures and cut by Mark Woollen & Associates this film looks like it delivers on the pretentious goods of the Art World and

Monday Aug. 17th, 2020: Thoroughbreds
Warning: Red Band Trailer – amazingly put together by Motive Creative. Excellent cutting and sound design and musical choice!! Yesterday was a grey day around

August 15th, 2020: Sully (2 spots)
At my at home office, I look out and am encouraged to see the airplanes returning to their usual flight path up the Hudson heading

August 14th, 2020: The Heat (it’s Summer!)
Loved this movie! They NEED TO DO A SEQUAL! Anyhow it’s hot out (not as bad as yesterday but yesterday is when I pulled these

August 13th, 2020: Aeon Flux
This too is a prophetic trailer. I don’t know why these have been coming up in my mind to be the ones to post. Must

August 12th, 2020: V for Vendetta
These trailers are feeling more and more prophetic for the current times we are living in: curfews, lockdowns. The Wachowski siblings are incredible filmmakers! This

August 11th, 2020: Sucker Punch
Music Mondays got taken over by a Birthday shout out! But today – just a little something to stick in your head. A true Trailer

August 10th, 2020 For My Brother’s Birthday: Blade
This is for you Matt – your ultimate double feature! Some classic lines from both these films. And the trailers say it all: BLADE from

July 24th, 2020: Imagination Friday: Big Fish & Greatest Showman
“Nobody ever made a difference by being like everyone else” – PT Barnum And on that note we end another stay at home work week

Unusual Titles from David O. Russell: I Heart Huckabees & Silver Linings Playbook
“Have you ever transcended space and time?” “Time, not space” (beat) “No, I have no idea what you are talking about.” A difficult title is

Before she was Queen Cersei, she was Ma-Ma
Dredd is a pretty fun movie, but as always Lionsgate goes above and beyond with the marketing. I am a sucker for the faux PSA

Congratulations SpaceX & NASA – May 30, 2020
I am a space nerd! There I said it and I don’t care! It was wonderful to see the launch today and in honor of

May 29, 2020 – 67 Years ago today EVEREST was summited!
So I learned this morning that 67 years ago today, Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay became the first climbers to reach the summit of

Sunday Night: Used to mean Disney now means HBO: Sunday May 3rd, 2020
When i was a child we would look so forward to Disney’s ” Sunday Night at the Movies” but now as an adult, it means

Friday Night Fights: Southpaw, Creed I & II: May 1st, 2020
The title of this post is not because we may have been stuck together too long but for the old call out to the Friday

TLT: Tough Ladies Tuesday 4/28/2020: Molly’s Game & Joy
Being in business is tough all on it’s own. Being a woman in business makes things that much more difficult. Only 2% of venture capital

I, Will Smith 4/27/2020: I, Robot and I am Legend
There was a time even before the iPhone, that the letter “I” was used by others than just Apple. I, Robot and I am Legend;

Captain Fantastic & Surfwise 4/26/2020
With everyone’s life a little upside-down still for the next couple days more, I want to share these two trailers about Alternative American upbringings! Vigo

In the Shadow of the Moon & Interstellar 4/24/2020
I was going to pair Interstellar with Inception but fear of someone trying to make that a “Friday-night-in-quarantine-double-header” … I thought better of it ..

300 Teaser & Trailer 4/23/2020
“Spartans, Tonight we dine in hell!” I remember watching this teaser at my local AMC here in Manhattan. I used to have the AMC gold

The Martian – Inspiration 04/22/2020
“I’m gonna have to sceinece the s#!+ out of it” Looking for a little more inspiration on Wednesdays during this Covid-19 crisis. I don’t know

A Dog’s Purpose
It has been quite hard to write these last couple of weeks, social distancing and self quarantining and all. As a single person, I realize

4/20/2020 – in 2020 every day in April is 4/20 so… Pineapple Express
Enough said … PINEAPPLE EXPRESS Trailer from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo. These days we all need a good laugh! Thank you! M1 add to my

Frank & The Snapper
The title of this post sounds like the name of a band. HA! Don’t steal my idea though, I just might start a band and

Post St. Patrick’s: Not a Hangover Cure
“GOODMORNING VIETNAAAAMMM!!!!!!” I love to yell that at my friends when they’re super hungover. If you are hungover from your self-quarantine party and you’re reading

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all our Irish trailer lovers!!! Cheers to celebrations indoors!! If you asked me to tell you the first Irish movie

In America & Brooklyn: Irish Immigration
Hello to everyone from self-quarantine! Whew, it’s crazy out here, right? Here’s to everyone that’s staying safe and staying indoors. Which is my favorite thing

In A World: The 3 Words You Can Hear
They don’t make trailers like this anymore. A dark screen with the opening words, “in a world..” and you’re instantly hooked. What is it about

Wanted & Salt: Angelina Jolie Realness
Queen Angelina. Sorry y’all, but we’re still on international women’s day mode. Honestly, in our Daily Trailer world, EVERY DAY is women’s day, men are

The Hunters
If you haven’t joined the hype and watched The Hunters on Amazon Prime yet, I suggest you take a “self-quarantine” day and catch up to

International Women’s Day: The Many Faces of Charlize Theron
When thinking about posting this blog today it seemed every trailer I thought of was a Charlize Theron trailer, and so, we are using Charlize

National $alesperson Day
Show me the money!!!! For those of you who don’t know, today is national salesperson day! To everyone who has ever worked retail or sold

The Boy & The Boy 2
Why the creepy dolls? WHY?!?! Gets me every time. I can get through the demonic horror movies or the ouija board possessions, but… the dolls.

The Farewell
This one will tug at your heartstrings. But not for any of the subtitle/caption haters– which is a weird thing to be mad about. ANYWAY,

The Invisible Man
Boy, oh boy, the social media attention this one is getting! Seriously, you can’t get on Twitter without seeing something about The Invisible Man. A

Leap Year: February 29, 2020
Ladies: if you had the chance to propose to your significant other, would you do it? Well, I guess we all have the ability to

Saint Maud: Far From Holy
This one gets me excited. I don’t know what it is, but the crazier the movie is, the more I love it. I honestly just

Breaker Morant
I am going through titles on the new VUniverse App and giving ratings to some and then it’s funny I search and find others that

Ash Wednesday: The Two Popes
Awww Ash Wednesday, the day where after a late night of Mardi Gras style partying – boy the French know how to kick off 40

Thank You For Smoking (not literally)
I’ll bet you $10 that all of you can smell this trailer. I smoked cigarettes for a couple of months just so I had an

A ‘Miracle’ on Twin Peaks Day
Wow! February 24th is packed with entertainment goodness!!! WE have a double trailer feature today … Miracle … the greatest moment in sports broadcasting and

EMMA. vs. Emma
You can never go wrong with a classic like Jane Austen. The costumes, the pastels. Can’t get enough of it. Someone put on the kettle!

Honey Boy: Sweet as Pie
I’ve never seen a film quite like this one. Shia LaBeouf wrote this about his own life. In the film he literally plays his own

The French Dispatch
Wes Anderson told IndieWire, “this is not an easy story to explain.” I agree. There’s a lot going on here. I honestly had to watch

The Green Knight: New A24 Teaser
Ah, A24. I’ve got to give it to this company, they have GREAT taste in what they distribute to the world. I haven’t seen any

President’s Day: late HBD to President Lincoln
A great trailer from Lincoln, opening with David Oyelowo quoting the ‘Gettysburg Address’ to the incomparable Daniel Day Lewis, playing Lincoln. Gives us chills every

Valentine’s Day: The Photograph
All you cynics get out of the way, cause I wanna fall in love today. My mind might change by tomorrow, but NOT TODAY! Not

Dec. 30th, 2019 – The Gambler “F-u trailer” **Red Band
This is a red band trailer. Just a warning. Red band for language. Nothing you haven’t heard before or anything. And bringing this one back

Dec. 25th, 2019: Christmas Day & Not a Trailer!
Happy Christmas! Enjoy time with your family this Holiday season! This is not a trailer but a clip for today. It is a clip of

Dec 19th, 2019 .. Cats … oh Cats
We may have had too much Egg Nog at today’s Holiday Lunch party but we decided to look at the evolution of the Cats campaign

Dec. 16th, 2019: Paul Walter Hauser
The very ever-quotable “I,Tonya” introduced us to the actor Paul Walter Hauser who plays the lead in “Richard Jewell”, the new Clint Eastwood film. He

This Jumanji trailer is ~next level~
Just in time for the holidays, buckle up for Sony’s Jumanji: The Next Level. This new chapter in the Jumanji franchise looks as entertaining as

Dec 11th, 2019: ‘Tis the time of Year for … Joy
As I stood on the platform this morning waiting for the M train to come … and despite my best efforts to be on time

#Horror – Day 21: Texas Chainsaw Massacre ‘The Beginning’
In honor of Dallas’ win yesterday, we turn our sites to Texas today and one of the great horror franchise of all times! It ranks

#Horror Day 20: Amityville, NY
For those of us who have been along on the adventure so far, a Universe that scares me to death .. the Conjuring … cause

#Day 19 #Horror: Scary Streaming Saturdays: The Terror from AMC
What to watch tonight? If you aren’t out at a haunted house or on a hay ride or running through __________ (Insert Your States Name

#Horror – Day 18: Parasite & The Lighthouse
Today, October 18th, marks only 75 days left in the year 2019 and Day 18 of our countdown to Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos

#Horror – Day 17 – Hereditary & MidSommar
A24 has jumped into HORROR in an incredible way with these two films but more importantly to the DailyTrailer … these horror trailers!!! Hereditary, the

#Horror – Day 16: A Triple Threat: Us, Get Out, & The Twilight Zone
From the mind of Jordan Peele, we serve up 3 trailers of note for the continuing countdown to Halloween. First up … Get Out, his

#Horror Day 15: Back to Work Tuesday “It Comes At Night” and “Fight Club” Anniversary
As some of us were at our desks yesterday, some of us are just returning to our desk today. In the spirit of the season

#Horror – Day 14: Mama and The Secret of Marrowbone
What is it about horror films? what is it about Halloween? what is it in our culture and it’s not a new concept. A beloved

#Horror – Day 13: The Good, The Bad and the just plain silly
All these horror trailers are pretty intense, so today, we wanted to take a break and go towards the campy horror genre where it just

#Horror #Day 12: Streaming Saturdays – oh the webs we weave
I thought we would be at a loss for Horror content and streaming series for “Streaming Saturdays” spotlight but looking through the archives, we are

#Horror – Day #11: Sinister(s) 1 & 2
I can only Imagine what it is and how difficult it is to edit a trailer as good as these horror trailers. They scare the

#Horror: Day #10: Unsane & A Cure For Wellness
@MoringBrew made us aware that today is National Mental Health Day and we all could use looking after the most important organ of the body

Day #9 #HorrorCountdown: Train to Busan and (Hatful of) HOLLOW
This is a horror film from Vietnam and a super scary trailer. Over the last few years, the horror films coming out of Asia have

Day #8 of #Horror: The Lodge and Goodnight Mommy
Holy Moly Mother of all things scary. It may be the city dwellingness of our lives, and the fact that there is always a few

Day #7 #Horror: IT
We went to the Woodstock Film Festival this weekend to see our friends at Big Indie’s film: The True Adventures of Wolf Boy. The lead

Day #6 #Horror… this is how my weekend looked: In Fear
In high school, this time of year, we used to drive and drive and drive around the back roads of new England trying to get

Day 5/30 of #Horror: Streaming Saturdays! The Haunting of Hill House
Saturday is an interesting day for people’s viewing habits. It’s a long day where people ‘get to’ the chores they don’t normally get to during

Day 4 of 30 Days of #Horror Trailers … for those going away for the weekend …
October 4th, 2019 … day 4 … I realize I have to write these in the day time now as the level of #horror escalates

Oct. 3rd, 2019: The Woman in Black 1 & 2
A few years ago, CBS Films got into the horror genre in a big way. One of their most memorable releases is the adaptation of

Oct 2nd, 2019: Day 2 #Horror .. 30 Days of … Trailers
They had me at “claustrophobia” and I was already scared! but seriously The Descent, a Lionsgate film hailing from 2007 with its mostly female kickass

Oct 1st 2019 – It Begins
No no, it is not a play on “IT” the movie … just the season .. begins. We won’t start there, with IT, but we

Sept. 30th, 2019 – Countdown Begins
We start with The Blair Witch Project. The Blair Witch Project is a pivotal film that plays a large part in the resurgence of the

Sunday Night always meant a Movie!
We didn’t get to watch much TV growing up, but Sunday night was special. When we were very young, it meant a Disney movie on

Stream it Saturdays Sept 28th 2019
Even though we live in the most densely populated city in America, I often find sheer joy of staying in on a Saturday night, ordering

Friday Night Fright .. let the season begin!
At the DT offices, as you would expect, there are a lot of dedicated movie fans and the horror genre is an office favorite. We

Flowers: S1 & S2
I keep saving this one for a rainy day. It looks so incredibly strange and fun and I love Olivia Coleman but I share the

Where is this Wednesdays … Rubber.
It’s that time of year where we turn our attention to the horror film genre or the unusual. And going through the trailer archives, I

Saturday Constitution Week: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Everyone should see this 1939, Frank Capra directed, Jimmy Stewart classic, un-interrupted by commercials and maybe if you are lucky, in 35mm. Mr. Smith Goes

RBG (Friday of Constitution Week)
How could we have a dialogue about the Constitution this week without a shout out to RGB! There was a dramatic feature film and a

Throwback Thursday: Bridge of Spies “Standing Man” (Constitution Week)
A really powerful trailer that mentions the constitution and it’s ability to protect us all … Bridge of Spies “Standing Man”. Already published on DT

Wednesday (Constitution Week): Turn
AMC had a show about pre-constitution days and how we got to that point of actually writing the Constitution. There was a bloody war that

Constitution Week begins today: Lincoln
Constitution week (September 17-23rd) begins today and DailyTrailer has to give a shout out to Lincoln. Stellar performances in this trailer. We will highlight other

Wu-Tang: An American Saga and a Hulu Original!
Hulu pushed this notification to us yesterday. And of particular note, besides the interesting story line of a group of artists coming together from all

The Fall … because it’s fall
There is a much better trailer in this series, THE FALL, then what you see below .. the series is good and well thought out

The 5th Element: August 31, 2019
How did we get here to the 5th Element … well Chris Tucker’s birthday is today August 31st and he was in this Luc Besson

Labor Day: Office Space!
Here in the United States WE ARE NOT LABORING TODAY!! So this cult classic of office life in the United States … must be seen

Marshall: August 30, 2019
52 years ago on August 30th, 1967, Thurgood Marshall becomes the first African American to be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice. He served on the Supreme Court

First Snow, & Fate (not of the Furious)
Why First Snow, well, no, not because Labor Day is coming up and our thoughts turn to fall but because as fate would have it,

Wednesday’s Why Did This Get Made? Hobbs & Shaw
Well it’s one of the last Wednesdays of the Summer and as the days start to get shorter (sigh) and a chill enters the air

Happy Little Paintings & Deadpool 2
After reading this article in ArtNet News about thousands of Bob Ross (@bobross) paintings it reminded me of one of the most original movie marketing

Music Mondays: TMV “Logan”
Logan is an exceptional example of a Trailer Music Video. Truly, the team was handed a winner as you really can’t go wrong with a

MTSFBT: Movies That Suffer From a Bad Title – Edge of Tomorrow
What the heck is an MTSFBT? Well in the world of an acronyms, this one is Movies That Suffer From a Bad Title, which is

Conspiracy Theory Friday
Were they or were they not working for the CIA? A popular topic around any office is that of crazy conspiracy theories .. so that

Throwback Thursday: Eternal Sunshine & Under the Silver Lake
These two trailers use such great classic Throwback Thursday songs. First up, we have ELO with Mr. Blue Sky circa 1977 … featured in this

The Domestics – now streaming but where?
Post-apocalyptic movies and books have always fascinated me since an early age. Dystopia was a common place where I would seek refuge inside of a

Which “Beats by” … Amazon Prime or Soderbergh or Netflix?
Very confusing is the Movie Beats by Steven Soderbergh and the TV series Beat S1 … and a third entry from Netflix also named Beats

Monday Morning Inspiration: Still Standing
Even though it is summer time, Monday’s are a struggle and on this particular Monday I wanted to share with you a few trailers that

There has been a slew of really dark series to come out of Europe these last few years and seems like these content creators from

WestWorld S3 ComicCon Trailer
Fantastic use of retro music with a futuristic theme where robots meet and fight biorobots (us, humans)! Also fantastic sound editing where it cuts out

Power … Nuclear Power: Chernobyl
Run, don’t walk, to see Chernobyl it is amazing but do yourself a favor and space it out the way HBO released it – don’t

Inspirational Sports Trailers
Loves them! I love the inspirational sports movie and I can always get that quick fix from an Inspirational Sports Movie Trailer. There are some

Trailer Music Videos: Les Mis & other examples
Trailer Music Videos (TMV‘s) are Trailers or Teasers that use a single piece of music throughout the trailer. A great and moving example is Anne

Succession (Title Sequence)
While waiting for Game of Thrones to come back on, I discovered another HBO series Succession and though the plotline seems like a combination of

Miller’s Crossing (Teaser 1990)
A couple Friday nights ago, I was at Carnegie Hall listening to the Philadelphia Symphony play … and I looked over at the box next