October 21, 2024

Friday Night Fights: Southpaw, Creed I & II: May 1st, 2020

The title of this post is not because we may have been stuck together too long but for the old call out to the Friday Night Fights. There are 3 great trailers for Fight Films … First up … Southpaw (cut by Trailer Park) with a ‘used-to-be-more-frequent’ appearance of an Eminen Song (think Equalizer) The song kicks in around the 1:28 mark … nice and easy … subtle like ..

Southpaw from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

and then Creed … the music and cutting in this trailer is incredible and don’t even try to tell me that you don’t want to pick up a jump rope after watching this film …

Creed from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

then Creed II, again amazing music and cutting (listen to that sound edit too!!!!!) from AV Squad:

Creed II “Journey” from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

There is no way I am suggesting a triple feature of fight films tonight … just pick one of the 3 …and then get up early tomorrow for a fighter’s workout – these movies are that inspiring!

“It ain’t about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward” says the Voice Over from Creed in the first trailer … that speaks volumes about this pandemic .. .keep the faith, keep up the fight!

Love, Daily Trailer

And to find out where to find and watch these amazing films, sign up at our sponsor below:

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