Is it just me or does David Tennet look exactly like Jarvis Crocker the lead singer of Pulp (some may consider the greatest British Pop band of all time or right behind the Beatles). Anyhow, having just finished up one series, this is next up on the docket.
Full disclosure though, I am one of those folks who find serial killers fascinating creatures. If I have guests over, I often watch the look on their faces as they look over the bookshelves in my library … its an odd mix of self-help, fiction and true crime!! Whatever!
The pacing of this trailer is excellent. A great job by Zealot UK! But my favorite line I think is:

I will watch this over the weekend ~ but I must say I will keep thinking he will break out into “lets all meet up in the year 2000” … Pulp reference! Seriously it looks great … in line with all the great British Limited drama/thriller/mystery series of the last several years! I will tell you my thoughts when I finish. Until then … let’s hope they make the bio pic of Pulp or I will be forced too .. as one of the common people. OMG – could you imagine if Douglas Coupland did a Pulp version of a novel like he did for The Smiths and “Girlfriend in a Coma” … when is that going to be made into a movie Mr. Coupland? Okay so besides books, i like obscure references to great British Pop~ if you know, you know!!
Signing off from the ATL .. traveling around this lovely country of ours!
M1 for DailyTrailer!