July 27, 2024

Mardi Gras: Girl’s Trip

Tues February 16th, 2021: This fun trailer (and movie) is centered around a Girls Weekend Trip to New Orleans. So it gets today’s coveted daily trailer spot for Mardi Gras as that is the penultimate destination year-to-fore for this holiday. Yes, tomorrow is already Ash Wednesday … again … boy that came around fast!  

This is an incredible group of actors who play so well off of each other! This part was made for Tiffany Haddish – she is hilarious! and all these incredible women turn in solid performances and you know what – it looks like they had FUN making this movie!!! But … This is a Red Band Trailer .. for language and situations .. suitable for mature audiences … so be forewarned:  

Girls Trip Mardi Gras Red Band from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.


Watch it with your friends and a few drinks (tequila seems to come to mind)! It’s fun but it is rated R just so you know!  

It is the only movie I can think of right now with New Orleans in it and tonight is the quietest Mardi Gras ever here in New York City. I might venture out to the Trader Joes to pick up a bar of unsweetened chocolate. whoop whoop Big mardi gras! Bring on Lent!  

Love, M1 for DailyTrailer!

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