October 21, 2024

August 15th, 2020: Sully (2 spots)

At my at home office, I look out and am encouraged to see the airplanes returning to their usual flight path up the Hudson heading to LaGuardia Airport. NYC is starting to return to normal. I thought maybe I could finally watch Sully.

So I went and found the trailers .. this one masterfully cut by Ignition:

Sully Trailer from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo. “I want you to know I did the best I could”

And then this TV Spot done by the EditPool out of London called “208”

Sully “208” from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo. “my aircraft”

And both amazing amazing spots that made me cry. My father was supposed to be on that flight but he took the earlier flight that day. It was a very emotional day all around. And speaking of emotional, this TED talk about ‘Brace For Impact’ gets me everytime too. Something to think about on this Saturday evening:

Ric Elias_Ted Talk “Brace For Impact” from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo. “Brace for Impact”

So even though it is encouraging to see things returning to New York City, it still is too soon for me to watch Sully, but man, enjoy these trailers and Ted Talk! Happy Saturday evening everyone!

Love to you all, M1 for DT!

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