July 26, 2024

The Peanut Butter Falcon Trailer Jan 24, 2023 National Peanut Butter Day

This trailer is so sweet! Not the biggest Shia LaBeouf fan but he sure does turn up a lot in my favorite trailers. So on National Peanut Butter day 2023 .. no better trailer to post than this gem from Paradise Creative for their client Roadside Attractions:

There are sheep in this world and there are wolves in this world. And I know that you two boys are just two weary travelers who have lost your way. So, we are going to clean you up right with a baptism.

Filmed in the beautiful South this trailer really makes me want to hit the road and live a little too. I may just do it – I have my eye on a sweet little airstream trailer! Talk to me next month – ugh February is so grey in New York.

Love from the greatest city in the world!

The Daily Trailer Team

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