March 11, 2025

#Horror Day 15: Back to Work Tuesday “It Comes At Night” and “Fight Club” Anniversary

As some of us were at our desks yesterday, some of us are just returning to our desk today. In the spirit of the season we are unleashing a good trailer that got released at an awkward time of year for its genre.

It Comes At Night was released in the Summer blockbuster season back in 2017 so it really missed a key opportunity being released in the fall of that year when audiences seek out the scarey/horror genre. Sometimes these things can’t be helped due to production schedules, release windows etc. And with the ability to stream anything these days maybe these release dates aren’t as crucial to the distributors as they once were.

It Comes At Night Trailer from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

Then again, right place, right time is an adage for a reason. The It Comes At Night Trailer was cut by AV Squad for A24.

Though the following is not a Horror trailer, nor a scary trailer in general, we could not let this day pass without paying homage to Fight Club and it’s 20 year anniversary release date.

Fight Club Theatrical Trailer from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

It was one of the most prophetic and pivotal movies of the last 20 years and one of the few films I own and watch at least every two years and quote from often! I even quoted it this morning without knowing it was an anniversary until @MorningBrew told me. What was the quote? you ask … well … “On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.” That is a classic Mr. Chuck Palahniuk!

Enjoy the day! Love, Raymond K. Hessel (in honor of the day) and you thought we were going to sign off as “Robert Paulson” or “Tyler Durden” – this ain’t our first rodeo! We go for the ‘true fan’ reference names 🙂

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Highlighting Great Trailers WorldWide

The Annual World Trailer Awards has rolled back into the Golden Trailer Awards. Enter all the international categories at: