March 11, 2025

MTSFBT: Movies That Suffer From a Bad Title – Edge of Tomorrow

What the heck is an MTSFBT? Well in the world of an acronyms, this one is Movies That Suffer From a Bad Title, which is a good movie that had a lackluster or difficult title to remember, which makes the movie marketers life extremely challenging.

First up for this is: Edge Of Tomorrow from Warner Bros. with Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt … it is a super solid thought provoking science fiction film but suffered from a confusing title. I think at one point in time it was even called: Live, Die, Repeat! and the movie poster made us think that too. This Edge of Tomorrow trailer is called “Converge” by AV Squad …

Edge of Tomorrow: Converge Trailer from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

And if you need a second trailer to convince you to see it, here it is, if you like your Sci-Fi to make you think .. . then you will love this film. Here is the trailer titled Edge of Tomorrow “Believe Again” by Wild Card

Edge Of Tomorrow: Believe Again Trailer from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

Tune in next weekend for another film that suffered from an unmemorable title. To find out where it is streaming currently, sign up at:

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