Ahhh November 4th … National Candy Day – you know before all these candy companies like M&M Mars, Hershey’s and Nestle became multi-conglomerates, they started out like little Mom & Pop Shops maybe with a real life Willy Wonka. I’ve heard rumors about the Frank Mars who invented the Snickers bar being something of a Willy Wonka. So on National Candy Day during entrepreneur month, we are taking a look back at 2 trailers based on the same Roald Dahl book “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”:
Classic Tim Burton – what a feast for the eyes! So much MAGIC – another example where the technology caught up with the vision!
It's Candy."

Watch the trailer below for the 1971 version – all the way to the end … along with Paramount, how does the Quaker Oat company play into that production?? Was Quaker Oats making movies??? Very interesting – and not an ounce of product placement – maybe they were hoping viewers would need hearty oats after so much candy.

Uh yeah that 1971 Gene Wilder version wouldn’t get made today – even the trailer suggest that the bratty kids might just be the parents fault. Anyhow. Both are fun … but to think they had to build all those sets in 1971 …
I've got another puzzle for you
Oompa Loompa doompadee dee
If you are wise you will listen to me
Who do you blame when your kid is a brat?
Pampered and spoiled like a Siamese cat?"

Enjoy national candy day – i went out and bought a bag of Brach’s Candy Corn … after halloween it’s like $.10 a bag! Delightful! What is the flavor of Candy Corn?? Anyhow…
Signing off from New York on a SUGAR HIGHHHHH! With the Oompa Loompa song stuck in my head!
M1 for Daily Trailer!