March 12, 2025

Oct 1st 2019 – It Begins

No no, it is not a play on “IT” the movie … just the season .. begins. We won’t start there, with IT, but we will start with The Strangers circa 2008. There is a moment in this trailer that sends chills to my very core. The editor (Bill Neil) holds on this beat for an extra second or two that has stayed with me and will stay with me for the rest of my life. Watch here …

The Strangers Trailer from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

Anytime I rent an Airbnb in the country (aka a ScareBnB) or stay at someone’s house in the country or even a hotel, I can’t look outside and double lock myself in, because of that one moment of Liv Tyler standing in the living room not knowing there is someone else in the doorway. It gets me every time … every single time. Fantastic trailer. Fantastic editing. Cut by Bill Neil of Buddha Jones for Universal. Way to switch up the pacing for monumental effect!

And speaking of effects … sound effects … that sound of the swing! is so chilling too. Great way to take a familiar sound of childhood and turn it against us! haha well played!

And so it begins day 1 of the countdown to Halloween. We can’t wait to share more! Love, DT!

And coming soon … the fastest way to find what you want to watch and where you have to watch it:

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Highlighting Great Trailers WorldWide

The Annual World Trailer Awards has rolled back into the Golden Trailer Awards. Enter all the international categories at: