March 11, 2025

Oct. 6th, 2020 – White Noise & other phenomenons

The best best best haunted house I ever went to was the Merchant Museum here in New York. Some friends and I took the midnight tour and what was so cool about the tour was that we went with a real life ghost hunter who had recorded EVP in the house. What is EVP you ask? Electronic Voice Phenomenon and here is a trailer to explain it:

White Noise Trailer from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

It blew my mind! I wish our city was open up for you all to go but in case you view this post in the future when the world opens back up, I will put the Merchant Museum website below.

It wasn’t so much “scary” as it was interesting … so fascinating … maybe it is the quantum physics of it all .. the different dimensions type of thing. He recorded energy and boosted the frequency so we could hear what was being said in the house … the same house we were standing in … years apart

Which brings me to this double trailer feature … The Others! What a great film … so well done!

The Others- Nicole Kidman, Christopher Eccleston _ MIRAMAX-ISch6Fi-q0A from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

No spoiler alert necessary but you will understand the different dimension thing when you watch it!

Signing off from the big apple! Oh here is that link: Merchant House Museum it’s like touring the house of the ‘Jeff Bezos of the time’. Well worth it when they open up post-covid.

Love, M1 for DailyTrailer

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