March 12, 2025

Saturday Constitution Week: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Everyone should see this 1939, Frank Capra directed, Jimmy Stewart classic, un-interrupted by commercials and maybe if you are lucky, in 35mm.

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is where we learn first hand what a filibuster is (A filibuster is a political procedure where one or more members of parliament or congress debate over a proposed piece of legislation so as to delay or entirely prevent a decision being made on the proposal).

Mr. Smith Goes To Washington Trailer from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

Even though the trailer is only 1 minute and 43 seconds long, the trailers from that era are a little hard to watch for the modern viewer. This holiday season, we are going to do an experiment and see if modern trailer editors can do with a classic trailer like this. Stay tuned for the details.

This movie does hold up over time – so enjoy with the whole family! Love, DT

Also if you are in the NYC area, City Cinemas has a special 35 mm print showing on Monday September 23, 2019

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Highlighting Great Trailers WorldWide

The Annual World Trailer Awards has rolled back into the Golden Trailer Awards. Enter all the international categories at: