March 11, 2025

The Green Knight: New A24 Teaser

Ah, A24. I’ve got to give it to this company, they have GREAT taste in what they distribute to the world. I haven’t seen any A24 content that I haven’t liked yet. This one, however, I’m not sure how I feel.

Don’t get me wrong, this looks great. I feel like if we put Joel Edgerton’s Netflix original, ‘The King,’ and A24’s ‘Midsommar’ together in a bowl, mixed it up a little, added a somber looking 9-foot giant with an axe, this would be the teaser trailer to pop out of the oven. Lots of foreshadowing symbolism in images, all the footage has a nice Picasso like filter on it for the aesthetic everyone’s now obsessed with. Joel Edgerton and Sean Harris are in it, so ‘The King’ vibes are REALLY there. Have a look for yourself here:

The Green Knight Teaser Trailer from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

The Green Knight comes to theaters on May 29th. Which is my birthday, what a coincidence. All you Gemini trailer lovers comment below and tell me what you think about the teaser!


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