March 12, 2025

Tues. Dec.15.2020: Priscilla Queen of the Desert & The Dressmaker

There is plenty of time for holiday-themed films, we will get to them soon … Coming soon! And by the way, Wow, this doesn’t feel like Christmas at all. Maybe with the snow tomorrow it will. But I did run into an intoxicated lady at the deli across the street tonight!

It was 7 pm, she was well dressed and she was buying two MEGA big cans of Foster’s Beer. She was loquacious, as you are after a few drinks and I inquired because I was super curious where she came from as I was already in my pajamas with a coat over top to buy snackies for my evening of streaming, ‘are you coming home from a holiday party?’ to which she said ‘they never stop’.

And I was like “Really?” How am I missing out on all these ‘lockdown Holiday Parties’ ???? What’s wrong with me? and then as she slurred some words at me, missed the opening of her bag and dropped one of the large cans of Fosters on the floor .. I realized, it’s always a party in her head and they NEVER do stop for her. Oh well, as the drunk often do in that loveable way of theirs, she told me she loved me and she exited the deli and went off into the night to hail a cab to the next ‘never-ending’ party … one whose requirement for entry must only be 2 Large Cans of Fosters Beer.

So that brings me to the Land Down Under – where it is always a party!

Priscilla Queen of the Desert (1994) from Gramercy Pictures:

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Official Trailer #1 from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

And then sticking with down under theme, this movie … that could have been so good and I WILL spoiler alert the end for you so you can agree with me The Dressmaker (2016):

The Dressmaker (2016) from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

You DO NOT, NOT ONCE, NOT EVER, DO YOU KILL OFF A LOVE INTEREST WHO IS A HEMSWORTH – JUST DON’T DO IT! It is Box Office Suicide in America. Other than that, the costumes were great, actually stunning amazing, story was solid, oh look and it’s Siobahn “Shiv” Roy from Succession – just don’t kill off a Hemsworth. That’s all we ask Amazon!

Those are our 2 cents from New York! Hope we get a ton of snow! My love to you all! M1 for DailyTrailer!

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