March 11, 2025

Wed.11.18.2020: Ford vs. Ferrari x 2 trailers

Trying to figure out the best way to write the date for this blog … hmm. Not really important but I want it to be consistent so our European Friends can read it easily too.

Next up Ford vs. Ferrari … boy did I love this film and all of its trailers, that is why you are getting two of them. The Official:

Ford vs Ferrari Official from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

And then another one with some different touch points of the film:

Ford vs Ferrari from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo. ‘Looks aren’t everything’

What I loved about the film is, it is so brilliantly American. How so? Ford knows it does not make a racing car (no comments Mustang fans) and Ferrari and Porsche and McLaren and Mercedes, all those companies DO! Those cars are built for speed and sport! Yet Ford went after Ferrari anyway … in a race in France at the “24 Hours of Le Mans” and despite the odds being stacked very very very much against them .. and with many many many obstacles to overcome, they go for it anyway and they win! That’s not a spoiler alert – if Ford lost, the film would have never been made 🙁

What is also a funny note to the story is that they don’t seem to care much after that, Ford is like ‘been there done that’ .. but Ferrari and Porsche still dominate the race. Ford and Shelby set out to prove a point and once proven, they went back to making practical, affordable, solid cars for their core audience – good entrepreneurs! Oh man this can go in our Entrepreneurial Trailer spotlight too – haha – I think those are Mondays, anyway as I say, we are trying to get in a routine around here.

Love, M1 for Daily Trailer!

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Highlighting Great Trailers WorldWide

The Annual World Trailer Awards has rolled back into the Golden Trailer Awards. Enter all the international categories at: