March 11, 2025

Wed. Dec.16.2020: First Snow & Bad Santa

My brother’s birthday is today! And if I did a tribute to him we would definitely be watching war movie trailers! He is an aficionado on the World Wars! I should ask him for his top 10 list of greatest war movies. Hmm. Sounds like a plan for a later date!

So it is technically … guess what day of the year??? It’s the First Snow of the NYC Season. Not for me, as I was up in Massachusetts on the Eve of Halloween this year and got to experience that first snowfall of 2020. It was Glorious! But this is amazing and just in time for HOLIDAZE!!!

So this being the First Snow for New York, we here at DailyTrailer, without further adieu, and is our tradition, present First Snow the trailer:

First Snow Trailer from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

Awww that JK Simmons. I just love his versatility. And it is funny that Guy Pierce was in yesterday’s Australian postings (Dec. 15th) in Priscilla Queen of the Desert. Totally not planned. None of this is. Hmmm. I wonder where Guy Pierce has been recently?

He is a super talented actor. I hope he didn’t take a super-villain role – that is boring and quite frankly beneath his talent! And then he has to never work another day in his life. It is a very limiting long term plan those super hero roles – great pay but very stilting. As my producer friends say, those roles come with a check attached to the script, so they are hard to turn down – oh well. I should look up what Guy is up to.

And to kick off the holiday season, Bad Santa:

Such a coarse and crass trailer but it appeals to some people and actually is quite funny. And with one or two beers – it could be a good evening at home!

Until tomorrow! Cheers! Love, M1 for DailyTrailer!

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