March 12, 2025

A ‘Miracle’ on Twin Peaks Day

Wow! February 24th is packed with entertainment goodness!!! WE have a double trailer feature today … Miracle … the greatest moment in sports broadcasting and Twin Peaks, a show that may have changed TV forever!

Wow – time flies but this moment still holds up as one of the greatest moments in sports history: the USA beating the USSR (the best team in the world) in Hockey in the “Miracle on Ice” in 1980. Back in 1980, you have to know, the USA didn’t allow Pros to be on the Olympic teams back then, so at that time in the trailer when it says they are kids … they are just that .. kids, but some of the Russians had been playing in the big leagues.

MIRACLE “HOPES” TRAILER from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

This is a great inspirational sports film, which I must admit I am a sucker for and also growing up in the North East, Hockey is in the blood. Some classic lines that still ring true today:

“A lot of guys from Minnesota and Boston?” “yeah, that’s gonna work” – yes cold town rivalries go deep!

and “The Name on the front of the jersey is more important than the name on the back” – wow! Ego-check!

My older brother (who played hockey as a kid the years we were in Boston (aka Titletown … hey they earned it), he remembers this day watching this game on television as a kid, it truly was a Miracle! And the cold war and the Reagan years just starting as a backdrop to the underdog Team USA beating the number 1 team in the world. It says so much about the indomitable human spirit and the will to win and never give up!

Now .. on to ‘Twin Peaks’ … from the Iconic opening credit music to the eerie location and characters to a plot line that was a challenge to the early 90s regular TV viewer, American audiences were introduced to the masterful mind of David Lynch by ABC green lighting .. Twin Peaks. Who was the genius over there that let that get made? Whoever he or she was, they were way ahead of their time. So to celebrate Twin Peaks day, let’s have a look at the DVD spot – haha – seems appropriate as a throwback:

and just so you know, Twin Peaks all the seasons are conveniently on Hulu and Netflix. Who even has a DVD player anymore 🙁 also i hear the reboot is worth a look too!

Twin Peaks Trailer (DVD Edition) from Daily Trailer! on Vimeo.

(K2 still has a DVD player.. not ashamed to admit that.)

Check out Miracle – it is worth a second or third watch – especially now and it is streaming on Netflix and Disney+

If you have kids who play competitive sports, or just like great movies, it’s a fun one to watch together – even though you know the outcome 🙂

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